America: A short review

It was a new land for some, for others it was home for generations. Through years of invasion it became a land of prosperity. For others it became a trail of tears and subjugation. Time rolled on and eventually a new nation was born. It was to be a nation of Utopian Ideals. “A great city on the hill”, so to speak. It became that great city and more. It also became the envy of the world. During the 1800’s, Empires tried to regain what had been lost. These attempts failed. Also during the 1800’s, it became an Empire itself. Built further on the greed and hatred that had fueled its beginning. (This is not a criticism of Capitalism, rather of Socio-Capitalism.)

Into the 1960’s, the country seemed to be tearing itself apart. Not in a Civil War akin to the one that visited its evils 100 years prior, rather in a Societal War. It was at this time that people started to undermine the “Grand Experiment”. I refer to this time as the beginning of Socio-Capitalism in the forefront. When the ideas of Socialism and Communism crept their ways into the education of the future. For those that will criticize, yes I have read Karl Marx. The only way his philosophy works is if everyone goes to an Agricultural system. When Socialism and Communism are mixed in with modern governments, it will always lead to a dictatorship. History has shown us this plain and simple. Hitler with National Socialism, Mao with China’s Communism (which currently is becoming more Capitalist), Stalin with Soviet Russia, etc.

This brings us to the 2000’s, after September 11, with the constant threat of terrorism. Terrorism. Oxford Dictionary defines it as,The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.” That brings a new realization to the term. We are living under Terrorism. If one does not believe it, try exercising free-speech in an area that is not designated a “Free-Speech Zone”. Absolutely laughable.

We are in a period of time when it is criminal to think outside of the box that is called Mainstream Media. We are living that road that led to “1984”. My hope for the people is that they are not deceived again by a slick tongue and winking eye. It has been nearly 8 years under this administration. An administration which circumvented Congress with a pen and a phone, implemented NDAA §§ 1021-1022, continued PRISM and authorized Fast & Furious.

NDAA §§ 1021-1022 – affirm provisions authorizing the indefinite military detention of civilians, including U.S. citizens, without habeas corpus or due process.

PRISM-surveilance program under which the United States National Security Agency (NSA) collects internet communications from at least nine major US internet companies.Since 2001 the United States government has increased its scope for such surveillance, and so this program was launched in 2007.

Fast & Furious- In the Operation Fast and Furious scandal, the Obama administration let guns “walk”–or be trafficked without surveillance or any plan to regain control of them–into the hands of Mexican drug cartel criminals.            

“In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act.”- George Orwell